Session 3,4,5

CLASS - X                            CHAPTER - WEB APPLICATION SUBJECT - IT                                                      SESSION - 3,4,5                                    

Q 1:- What is Instant Messaging and IM Software ? What are its feature ? 
Ans :- Instant messaging (IM) is a form of communication over the Internet that offers an instantaneous transmission of text-based messages from sender to receiver. Most instant messaging software include the option for performing file transfers, audio chat, video calling and conferencing, sharing desktops etc. apart from standard text chat. Instant messaging software is widely used for personal and commercial use.
Unlike email, instant messaging happens in real-time and the response from participants can be
spontaneous. Some instant messaging software allows users to view messages received when
they are not logged on. These are called “Offline Messages”.For utilizing audio and video chat or conferencing, you need to have microphones and headsets or speakers and web cameras so that users can talk or see each other.
Key Features of an instant messaging are as follows:
Text Messages can be sent to one or more person (Similar to SMS)
Audio calling and conferencing.
Video calling and conferencing.
File transfers (Not limited to documents, spread sheets, audio files, video files, etc.)
Message history (Save messages for future reference)

Q2:- What are Instant messaging accounts? Explain in detail.
Ans :- Participants messaging to each other need to be signed in to the same instant messaging software. To use instant messaging software, a user must have a valid instant messaging account.
Instant messaging accounts differ in formats; some instant messaging software such as Yahoo!
Messenger, Windows Live Messenger use email addresses for managing the account and
software such as Skype use standard names.

Q3:- What are the types of Instant Messaging Services ?
Ans :- There are two kinds of instant messaging software –Application Based and Web Based.
Application based instant messaging software is downloaded and installed on user’s
computer. Some of the popular instant messaging software are:
• Google Talk
• Yahoo! Messenger
• Skype
• Windows Live Messenger
• Rediff Bol, etc.
• Web based instant messaging software is accessed using browsers such as Internet Explorer,
   Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc. Some of the popular web based instant messaging
   software are:
• Meebo
• Yahoo! Messenger for the Web
• MSN Web Messenger
• IMO, etc.

Q3:- Write the steps to create an instant messaging account.
Ans :-Following are the steps to create an IM account using Google Talk. Google Talk is an instant messaging service that provides both text and voice communication developed by Google Inc. Google Talk can also be used for making video calls and to view updates from GMAIL mailbox.
Google Talk is free and is available as application based (users need to download and install
Google Talk application to their desktops, mobiles or laptops) and web based (users can use
Google Talk through a browser after signing into their Gmail account). user have to create gmail account first and download Google talk application
Launching Google Talk

  • To launch Google Talk, Click Start > Programs >Google Talk>Google Talk.
  • You can also double-click on the Google Talk icon on the desktop if available. 
  • You need to have a list of contacts that are available for chat. If you don’t have any contacts, you can add their Gmail account to your contact list by sending an invite. 
  • If you don’t have a Gmail account already you can create a new Gmail account.
  • Signing In into your Google Talk Account
  • To use Google Talk, you need to sign in with your account details. 
  • After signing in into your Google Talk account, you should see a window similar to the one displayed below. Now the Google Talk application is ready for use.


Que 1:- State some rules and etiquette to be followed while chatting on the Internet.
Ans:- There are some general rules and etiquettes to be followed while chatting. They are almost the
same as those that apply for emails.
Messages should be short and to the point.
Always introduce yourself by name if your screen name doesn’t reflect it.
Always ask if the other person has time to chat first - regardless of how important you think what         you have to say is, it’s not going to be well received if the recipient is busy.
In a business environment, know exactly what you want to discuss.
Typing your messages in uppercase is extremely rude - it’s considered shouting and very aggressive.
Give people time to respond - Multiple questions sent to a recipient before they’ve had a chance to       answer can seem more like an interrogation rather than a conversation.
Wherever possible, give the person you are communicating with your undivided attention. It’s not just a sign of respect, but if you have multiple conversations happening or are allow in other issues to distract you, you may miss an important point in the other person’s messages or lose the gist of the conversation.
It’s important to properly end an IM conversation - you may think the chat is over, but the other person may not. While you’re off doing other things, they may be sitting there staring at the screen waiting for further communication from you!!

Q2:- What are the basic needs to use instant messaging (chat) softwares?
Ans :- Instant Messaging (IM) is a text-based tool which permit users to carry on conversations online through exchanging short messages in close synchronicity over the Internet.
The basic needs to use IM (chat) software are (a) an active Internet connection (it through/over the Internet that instant messaging is possible), (b) chat software to be downloaded (the chat software could be Watsapp, Skype, We chat, Viber, Telegram, FB messenger, Meebo, etc), and an account to be opened (in the name of the person using it) on that application.
IM technology is a sort of online chat which offers real-time transmission of text over the Internet. Short messages are usually transmitted between 2 people/persons/individuals, wherein each user decided to finish a thought and then selects "send".


Q What is blog? List the website which can be used for making blogs.
Ans :- A blog is a discussion style site used by non-technical (or technical users) users for creating
personal web pages. Blogs are similar to an online personal diary and simple to use. You can use a blog to convey messages about events, announcements, news, reviews, etc. Blogs
are usually managed using a web browser and this requires active internet connection. You can
also use offline blog software to create content first and later publish the content when an active
internet connection is available.
There are hundreds of websites that offer blog service for free. Some of the popular blogs

Que 2:- Differentiate between Webpage and Website.
Ans:- The difference between  a website and a web page is that a website is a collection of web pages with information on a subject, and a web page is a smaller part of a larger website usually containing more specific information. If a website were a book, then a webpage would be a chapter in that book.

  • Web page is a part of website which comprises links to other web pages.
  • Multiple web pages can have the same name if they reside in different documents.
  • It is a content that is to be displayed on a website.
  • Requires less time to develop as it is a part of a website.


  • Website is a cluster of related web pages addressed to a typical URL.
  • It is presented by a unique URL.
  • It is a place used to display the content.
  • Usually, take more time as compared to a web page.


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