Class X , Word Processing Intermediate


Unit - 3
Word Processing

Session 1: Modifying Layout of a paragraph
Que 1:- How to use a paragraph ?
Ans :- Using paragraph we can break continuous text to one or more sentences. It is easier for the readers to understand. Paragraph formatting in word 2007 gives us option for adjusting line spacing and indentation in our word document. We can left align, centre, right align and justify a paragraph. To use a paragraph we have to follow the steps:- 
1.  Open a word document in a word processor.
2. Click on page layout on the ribbon.
3. In the paragraph group we will see to option Indent and Spacing.
4. we can also specify the tab stop position by mentioning the stopping position in the tab stop position.

Q2:-  Explain the various options available in word for formatting paragraphs.
Ans :-  There are many options available in word for paragraph formatting paragraph . These are 
1. Sorting 
2. Bullets and Numbering 
3. Line and Paragraph Spacing 
4. Indentation 
5. Paragraph Alignment 

Q3:- How many points of tabs stop position by default in a word processor Answer  :- 0.5 tap position Steps to Set the paragraph layout:-

Session 2 : Managing Headers
Que :- What do you mean by Header ? what are the steps to create header in a word document ?
Header:-     Headers are text or images included at the top of the page. They usually contain important information such as company or department name, logo, page numbers etc.

Steps to include header in a document
1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
2. Click on the option Header in the Header & Footer group.
3. A drop down list will appear. Insert any of the predefined options from the list.
4. You can insert Page number, Date & Time or any picture or clip art in the   header area.

Session 3 : Managing Footers
Footer :- Footers are text or image included at the bottom of the page and may repeat in all pages of the document. You can include page number, date & time, pictures or clip art in the footer area.

Steps to include footer in a document
1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
2. Click on the option Footer in the Header & Footer group.
3. A drop down list will appear. Insert any of the predefined footer options from   the list.
Session 4: Managing Styles
Styles:- Styles or Style sets are pre-defined or customized options used for creating good looking profession documents with least efforts.

Steps to apply and manage styles:
1.     Locate the Style group under Home tab.You can view list of styles in Styles Group.
2.     To view the list of style sets available, point to Style Set under Change Styles option. A drop down with different styles will be displayed.
3.     Select any of the styles listed by clicking it.

Session 5:- Document Template
Template:- Templates or document templates refer to a sample fill-in-the-blank document that can help in saving time. They may have sample content, themes, etc.

Steps to view & use sample templates:-
1.     Go to File->New. Different types of templates will be displayed.
2.     Select any of the templates by double-clicking on it. Now you can use this template and customize the contents according to your needs.        

Steps to create a template are:-
1.     Create a word document that will serve as the template.
2.     Click on File->Save As and give the template a name. Select Word Template from the Save as type: drop down list.
3.     Click on Save.

Session 6 : Working with Page and Section Breaks
Page and Section Breaks can be used to separate a document into sections. To separate a section in a portion use Section Break. To start a new page in a document use Page Break.

Steps to Use Section Break and Page Break :-
1.     Click on the Page Layout tab on the ribbon.
2.     Click on the option Breaks in the Page Setup group.
3.     A dropdown list with options of different types of breaks appears.

Steps to Delete Section / Page Break
1.     Click on the Section / Page Break.
2.     Press Delete on your keyboard and the section / page break is removed.

Use of Page Break:- A page break can be inserted anywhere in a document to force the end of a page and the beginning of a new one.

Use of Section Break :- Section Break add flexibility to formatting your document. You can create different headers and footers, different footnote numbering, change the layout of columns, change page borders for different pages and even change the page layout of the same document. Using Section breaks is like having mini-documents in one large document.

Session 7: Applying Character Formats

Character Formatting:- To change look and design of characters is called character formatting.

Different options to make changes to a character or word:-
1.     Font Face
2.     Font Size
3.     Grow Font -  to make font size larger than the current size by the specified point.
4.     Shrink Font -  to make font size smaller than the current size by the specified point.
5.     Strikethrough – to make a strike through the middle of the selected text.
6.     Subscript – to make the selected text lower than the normal text position.
7.     Superscript – to make the selected text higher than the normal text position.
8.     Clear Formatting – used to clear the character formatting.
9.     Text Highlight Colour -  used to change the background colour of the text.
10.           Font Colour – used to change the colour of the text.
11.           Change Case – helps us to change the text case to capital letters or small letter. Different change case options are :-
(i)               Sentence Case:- the first character in the First word of the selected sentence will be in Upper case and rest of characters will be in small case.
(ii)            Lowercase:-  selected text will be converted to small letters.
(iii)          Uppercase:- selected text will be converted to Capital letters.
(iv)          Capitalize Each Word:- the first character in all the words of the selected sentence will be converted to Capital letter.
(v)            tOGGLE cASE:- the small letters in the selected text will be converted to capital letters and capital letters will be converted to small letter.

Most Word processors has support for inserting illustrations in the form of Clip Arts, Shapes,
pictures, charts, etc.

Clip Art: Clip Art can help in making a document look colourful and presentable. Clip arts are pre-defined images available for use in documents. For example, if you would like to create a greeting card for your friend, you can use clip arts such as balloon, flowers, etc. along with text message.
You can use the clip art gallery built-in within the word processor; you can also download clipart
from websites. Some of the websites that have free clip arts are:

Steps to insert a clip art in a document,
1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
2. Click on the option Clip Art in the Illustrations group
3. The Clip Art Task Pane appears. Enter the clipart category name in the search box and Click
4. Select the clipart that you want to use, double-click on it and it will be inserted into your    document

Steps to insert a clip art in a document from websites
Sometimes, you may need clip arts that may not be available within the word processor application. In such cases, you can visit websites that offer clip arts such as

To download a clip art from,
1. Open the web browser, Type in the address bar and press Enter
You can use the search box available on the website for viewing the list of clip arts to suit your
Now you can select the clip art you like, download it to your computer and insert it using the photo option in the word processor.

Text Wrapping enables you to surround a picture with text. The text wraps around the graphic or a picture.

Steps to insert Text Wrapping
1.     Insert the picture / graphic / clipart in the document.
2.     Click on the wrap text option under Text section of the Insert tab after double clicking on the picture.
3.     Alternatively, select the picture then select the Text Wrapping dropdown arrow in the Arrange group under the Format tab.

Different Wrap Text Options
The different wrap text options available in word processing software are:-
1.   Square
2.   Tight
3.   Through

In addition to graphic images, to add a personal touch to a special message or to illustrate a special feature, you may want to embed sound files or maybe even actual files from other software applications in your document. For example, you can insert a PDF file or a spread sheet within the word processor.

Steps to insert an object,
1.      Select Insert Tab
2.     Click Object under Text section. A dialog box will be displayed
3.     Select Create from File Tab
4.     Click Browse and select a file such as a spread sheet or a PDF document that is available on your computer, Click Open and Click OK

Note: If you would like to edit the embedded document, double-click on it. It will automatically open it for editing using respective application.
Demerits of embedding an object
1.     The embedded objects cannot be printed.
2.     The person opening your document must have the relevant software loaded on their computer to operate the embedded file.
3.     If you embed an object, the size of your document increases significantly and this may cause problems in emailing the document as an attachment.
4.     If you link an object, the person opening that document must have a direct connection to the original file location of the object.

We can insert objects that have different shapes such as lines, basic geometric shapes, arrows,
Equations, shapes, flowchart shapes, stars, banners, and callouts using the shape option.

Steps to Insert ShapesClick on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
1.     Click on the option Shapes in the Illustrations group
2.     Once you click the Shapes option a dropdown list with pre-defined shape such as box, circle, etc. appears.
3.     You can select the shape from the list of shapes available and draw the shape by dragging the mouse with the left button clicked

Steps to Insert Symbols and Special Characters
1.     Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
2.     Click on the option Symbol in the Symbols group
3.     A dropdown list appears
4.     Select a symbol from the list and double-click on to insert the symbol into the document

Note: If you would like to view more symbols and special characters for inserting into a document, click on the More Symbols… option in the Symbols Dropdown list.


Working with Character Formatting

Question and Answers:

  1. Write about Font Face?                                                                                                  Ans:Font Face: After selecting the text you need to click Font Name in the Font group to select the particular font style from the fonts listed.
  2. Write about Font Size?                                                                                                          Ans:Font Size: After selecting the text you need to click Font Size in the Font group to select the particular font size from the values given.
  3. Write about Grow Font?                                                                                                        Ans: After selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group to make the
    font size larger than the current font size by the specified point.
  4. Write about Shrink Font?                                                                                                    Ans: Shrink Font: After selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group to make the font size smaller than the current font size by the specified point.
  5. Write about Strike through?
    Ans: Strikethrough: After selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group to make a strike through the middle of the selected text.
  6. Write about Subscript & Superscript?
    Ans: Subscript: After selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group to make the selected text lower than the normal text position.
    Superscript: After selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group to make the selected text higher than the normal text position.
  7. Write about Clear Formatting? Ans: Clear Formatting is used to clear the character formatting (such as Bold,
    Italics ,Underline, font face & size, superscript & subscript etc.) of the selected text. To remove the character formatting, select the text and click on icon in the Font group.
  8. Write about Text Highlight Color?
    Ans:Text Highlight Color: Use this option to change the background color. To do so, select the text and click on icon in the Font group. You can choose the background color by clicking on the down arrow on the icon.
  9. How to change the Font color?
    Ans: Font Color: Use this option to change the color of the text. To do so, select the text and click on icon in the Font group. You can choose the text color by clicking on the down arrow on the icon.
  10. Write about change Case in word Document?
    Ans: Change Case: Word processor helps us to change the text case to capital letters or small letters.
    You can also capitalize each word in the sentence and capitalize the starting word of the sentence using Change Case under Font Group. To do so, after selecting the text you need to click the icon in the Font group
    Sentence Case: On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the first character in the first word of the selected sentence will be converted to Capital Letter (Uppercase).
    Lowercase: On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the selected text will be converted to
    Small Letters (lowercase).
    UPPERCASE: On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the selected text will be converted to Capital Letters (UPPERCASE).
    Capitalize Each Word: On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the first character in all the words of the selected sentence will be converted to Capital Letter (Uppercase).tOGGLE cASE: On selecting this option from the dropdown list, the small letters in the selected text will be converted into capital letters and capital letters will be converted into small letters.

Fill in the blanks

1. After selecting the text you need to click the Font size in the Font group to make the font size
larger than the current font size.
2. To remove the character formatting, select the text and click on Clear Formatting in the Font group.
3. On selecting Sentence Case, the first character in the first word of the selected
sentence will be converted to Capital Letter.
4. On selecting Upper Case, the first character in all the words of the selected
sentence will be converted to Capital Letter.


Question and Answers:

  1. What is Clip Art?                                                                                                                            Ans:Clip Art can help in making a document look colourful and presentable. Clip arts are pre-defined images available for use in documents. For example, if you would like to create a greeting card for your friend, you can use clip arts such as balloon, flowers, etc. along with text message.
  2. Give Some Websites name which provides free Clip arts?                                                  Ans: Some of the websites that have free clip arts are:
  3. How to download a Clipart from the website?                                                                      Ans: To download a clip art from,
    1. Open the web browser, Type in the address bar and press Enter You can use the search box available on the website for viewing the list of clip arts to suit your needs. For example, Type School Bag in the search box and Click Search. You will be displayed with list of clip arts matching the keyword School bag, Now you can select the clip art you like, download it to your computer and insert it using the photo option in the word processor. 
  4. What are Objects in a Word processing software?                                                Ans:objects can be almost any form that can be generated as a computer file. Sounds, Music, drawings, documents spreadsheets, etc. are all examples of possible objects that you can include
    in a document, or link to a document.                                                                     

    Fill in the blanks:

    1. Embedding an object makes it a part of the document while linking an object does not include the object file into the document files.
    2. Readers trying to access the linked object must also have direct access to the separate  file that forms that object.
    3. Clip Art can help in making a document look colorful and Presentable.
    4. Clip Art is available under inserting Illustrations group in Insert Tab          


Fill in the blanks:

1. T o search for a picture, place the cursor before the text, click Insert Tab, and click Picture under Illustrations.
2. After you have inserted the picture, you can wrap the text by using the Wrap Text option.

Answer the following:
1. List any three word wrapping options available in a word processing software.

Ans: The three word wrapping options available in a word processing software are:

 tight, square and through.

2. List word wrapping options available in a word processing software.

Ans: The following are the word wrapping options available in word processing software:

  • In line with text
  • Square
  • Tight
  • Through
  • Top and Bottom
  • Behind the text
  • Infront of text

Session 10: Inserting Objects

Fill in the blanks:
1. To open an embedded document, double Click on  it.
2. Embedded objects cannot be printed.
3. When you embed objects in a document, you may have trouble emailing
it because the size of the document increases significantly.

Question and answers:

  1. How to insert objects in word document?

Ans: To insert an object,
 Open a new word document
 Select Insert Tab
 Click Object under Text section. A dialog box will be displayed.

 Select Create from File Tab
 Click Browse and select a file such as a spread sheet or a PDF document that is
available on your computer, Click Open and Click OK
 Notice the document is available embedded within your word document.

Note: If you would like to edit the embedded document, double-click on it. It will
automatically open it for editing using respective application.

2. Mention Key points to embedded object in word document?

Ans:1. The embedded objects cannot be printed.
2. The person opening your document must have the relevant software loaded on
their computer to operate the embedded file.
3. If you embed an object, the size of your document increases significantly and this
may cause problems in emailing the document as an attachment.
4. If you link an object, the person opening that document must have a direct
connection to the original file location of the object.


Fill in the blanks:

1. You can insert lines, basic geometric shapes, arrows, equation shapes,
flowchart shapes, stars, banners, and callouts using the Shape
2. Symbol option is available under  Symbols group in the Insert

Question and answers:

  1. How to insert Shapes in word Processing software?                                                     Ans: To work with shapes, open a new document in word processor,
    1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
    2. Click on the option Shapes in the Illustrations group, as shown in figure 24.
    3. Once you click the Shapes option a dropdown list with pre-defined shape such
    as box, circle, etc. appears.
    4. You can select the shape from the list of shapes available and draw the shape
    by dragging the mouse with the left button clicked. For example, if would like
    to insert a square, select the box shaped item from the list, click and drag the
    shape to draw a square.
  2. How to insert Special characters or Symbols in word document?                            Ans:To work with symbols or special characters, open a new document in word processor.
    1. Click on the Insert tab on the Ribbon.
    2. Click on the option Symbol in the Symbols group                                                              3. A dropdown list appears, Select a symbol from the list and double-click on to insert the symbol into the document.


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